
Posted by admin on August 14, 2012 in Spotlight |

How do you learn the skills to build a successful business? We had the opportunity to speak with Simcha Gluck, Senior Facilitator of FreshBiz. FreshBiz is a game that fundamentally changes the way its participants play their business and their life by simulating and then practicing new, creative methods of entrepreneurial thinking, and problem solving to achieve their most vital goals.

Through its game-based learning, participants travel through the game on a mission to win, while gaining skills, understandings and strategies that not only help them to achieve the goals in the game, but also to excel in their lives.

Utilizing common business practices, and years of insight from entrepreneurs, FreshBiz uses tools such as buying/selling businesses, leveraging, negotiations, loans, business opportunities and much more to simulate a business environment. Simultaneously, relationships are forged and the atmosphere of the room buzzes as participants engage with themselves and others in entrepreneurial, multi-dimensional thinking.

Insights gained during a 90-minute game last far into the future, as our participants claim that the game impacts them from the moment they play for the rest of their lives. There is a distinction between change and transformation. Working harder, doing something less, spending more time on something else etc… are change, while transformation through FreshBiz is what shifts your paradigm completely and creates the opportunity for you to play business, relationships, and life in a whole new way.

During the game, and in FreshBiz workshops, the following areas are addressed:
What resources are available to each person and how can they serve my goals?
Being bold, proactive and creative
How to create a Win-Win Situation (expanding the pie)
Identifying partners and crafting partnerships
What is victory?
Do we know how to identify opportunities & create them?
Learn what MDET (Multi Dimensional Entrepreneurial Thinking) is and how to utilize it to achieve quantum leaps in your business and your life!

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