Innovation Allley: temi Personal Robot
When the Corona virus hit Westchester County Michael’s school was closed and he was quarantined for 2 weeks. As the holiday of #purim is today it seemed that it would be a difficult 2 weeks. Then temi came to the rescue to help enahnce the holiday and teach Michael about robotics. Amazing Israel innovation. Temi […]
Start Up Alley- Temi
Spoke with Danny Isserles about temi at AIPAC’s Innovation Nation event at the SCC Brooklyn. Temi, a video-oriented autonomous, personal home robot known for its capability in recognizing and following its users around.
Pepper:Humanoid Robot
SoftBank’s ambitious android is touted as the world’s first robot that can understand emotions. Pepper is a humanoid robot that takes his surroundings into consideration to react pro-actively using proprietary algorithms. Pepper also comes equipped with capabilities and an interface that enables communication with people, including the latest voice recognition technology, superior joint technology to […]