Heroes walk among us: This year’s JFNA General Assembly
By: Daniel Rosen On Sunday, major Jewish organizations and communities from across North America gathered for the “Stand Together” rally, an event designed to inspire unity and engagement in the face of rising challenges. The rally marked the opening of this year’s Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly, an annual conference that brings together Jewish leaders […]
Interview with Joshua and Nicole Malina
What’s the best way to connect to Judaism? Video blogger Aaron Herman spoke with Joshua Malina star of the hit tv show “Scandal” and his sister Nicole at Jewish Federations of North Americas Tribefest about what it means to be a 21st century Jew.
JFNA GA 2010 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Vice-President Joe Biden
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WRHPeWLy2U This year’s General assembly took place in New Orleans hosted by the Jewish Federation of North America. The GA brings together professional and lay leaders in the Jewish community. This conference covers a number of issues facing the global Jewish community including Israel, charity, community, new technology, education and much more. At the plenaries […]