Innovation Alley:ECOncrete
ECOncrete® provides high quality cost effective concrete products including, bio-enhancing concrete additives, science based designed forms and form liners, applied to precast or cast-on-site ECOncrete® elements. ECOncrete®’s innovative solutions reduce the ecological footprint of ports, marinas, coastal protections schemes and urban waterfront projects, while adding to their structural integrity. ECOncrete® transforms the way our future […]
Innovation Alley: SonoMask
Founded in 2013, Sonovia began its mission by fostering the global rights for development concerning a revolutionary sono-chemical coating methodology designed at the prestigious Bar Ilan Univeristy in Israel. The company proceeded to establish material strategic partnerships and initiatives targeted to support its scale-up efforts; in pursuit of the noble objective to dramatically combat the […]
Innovation Allley: temi Personal Robot
When the Corona virus hit Westchester County Michael’s school was closed and he was quarantined for 2 weeks. As the holiday of #purim is today it seemed that it would be a difficult 2 weeks. Then temi came to the rescue to help enahnce the holiday and teach Michael about robotics. Amazing Israel innovation. Temi […]
Start Up Alley: Surgical Theater
We had the opportunity to meet up with Moty Avisar CEO & Co- Founder of Surgical Theater at AIPAC – Westchester & Riverdale Spring Dinner. In 2010, Moty Avisar and Alon Geri had an idea. What if surgeons could train like fighter pilots previewing their surgical procedure, much like a fighter pilot can pre-fly their […]
Start Up Alley: enVerid
We had the opportunity to speak with Udi Meirav President and Founder of EnVerid at AIPAC – Westchester & Riverdale Spring Dinner this week. enVerid is committed to developing leading products that deliver energy savings while providing healthier indoor air quality (IAQ) worldwide. By reducing greenhouse gases, we make the world a cleaner, healthier place […]
Start Up Alley- Temi
Spoke with Danny Isserles about temi at AIPAC’s Innovation Nation event at the SCC Brooklyn. Temi, a video-oriented autonomous, personal home robot known for its capability in recognizing and following its users around.
Innovation Nation
This past AIPAC’s Sephardic Division hosted Innovation Nation at the SCC. Over 150 people learned about start up nation and how AIPAC is transforming the US-Israel relationship. The event was moderated by Daniel Frankenstein co-founder of JANVEST Capital Partners. Innovation Nation Video Presentations: Innovation Nation Welcome: Steven Hidary, President Sephardic Community Center introducing moderator Daniel […]
Slingshot:Innovation FWD
What does innovation look like in the Jewish community? Video blogger Aaron Herman spoke with Will Schneider, Director of Slingshot about harnessing Jewish innovation. Slingshot’s mission is to strengthen innovation in Jewish life by developing next generation funders and providing resources to leverage their impact in the Jewish community.
Urban Herman-ad:tech Innovation Alley