Nexgen Giving
What’s the best way to contribute to charities? Video blogger Aaron Herman spoke with Jodi Samuels about her new venture
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) was established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors to provide for the wellbeing of the men and women who serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as well as the families of fallen soldiers. Headquartered in New York City, FIDF is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation that […]
How to be effective on YouTube
Jewish Heart for Africa
httpv:// We had the oppertunity attend the Jewish Heart for Africa in NYC. Over 500 pople attedned the event and showed their support for the organazation. At the event there was a contest for a free to trip to Uganda. Individuals had to carry 2 water jugs and balance sticks on their head. One of […]