The Economist Human Potential 2011
In this economy, it is critical to understand the power of human capital.Today, companies, individuals, and nations are vulnerable to constant disruption. Advancements in science, technology, and human evolution are making stability nearly impossible.
Human Potential 2011 explored the new landscape of hyper-competition. The event examined the mechanism through which competitive energy can be harnessed for positive change and write new rules for developing the leaders of tomorrow.
Ideas Economy events are an invaluable experience for strategic thinkers who understand that human progress is driven by the advancement of good ideas. Through interactive, action-oriented sessions with some of today’s top thinkers on strategy, innovation, management, creativity, education, and information, Ideas Economy: Human Potential will chart a new map for growth, productivity, and progress.
We spoke with Lane Greene, International Correspondent for The Economist about how language shapes our economy.
Human Potential 2011 was an inspiring event giving new insights in how individual can be more effective in their personal lives and business endeavors.