J-Care is Birthright Israel Alumni Community/JEC’s Holiday Package Delivery

Posted by admin on December 21, 2011 in Spotlight |

J-Care is Birthright Israel Alumni Community/JEC’s community service initiative that allows young Jewish New Yorkers the opportunity to give back and have fun in the process. J-Care typically occurs 3-4 times a year so be sure to check back for upcoming events.

In celebration of Hanukkah we light the menorah together and give back to the community. We attended the Project Ezra holiday package delivery to elderly of the Lower East Side. Project Ezra is an independent, non-profit grass-roots organization serving the frail elderly on New York’s Lower East Side. We provide a variety of services to a largely homebound population. We are not a member of any Federation or umbrella organization. We do not seek or accept government funds and our existence depends on the tzedakah (justice impulse) of the community at large.

There is an exceedingly sensitive and appropriate phrase in the Yom Kippur liturgy: “Do not forsake us in our old age; as our strength seeps away, do not abandon us.” The sun shines mightily and the light is abundant when we are young. Life becomes difficult and gray as we reach old age. We wanted to be there to make a difference.

Project Ezra’s Population
Project Ezra’s population includes over four hundred frail elderly who are economically, physically or psychologically marginal. In addition, throughout the year, we have contact with hundreds more when they are in need of certain of our services. We offer social work services, including assessment and evaluation, as well as ongoing support and counseling. We provide crisis intervention and make referrals to appropriate agencies when indicated.

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