Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl NYC Gala
The members of the CCOC office are asked to spell Chernobyl dozens of times each day by people scattered throughout America. . In 1986, a nuclear reactor blew up. People died instantly, the government announced that the radioactive debris falling was actually snow, and cancer rates and birth defects skyrocketed; and yet, people are still […]
AJWS Global Circle
AJWS is the only Jewish organization working to promote human rights through grassroots development in the most marginalized communities around the world. We believe that local organizations know what’s best for their own communities, and so we support their work to fight poverty, hunger and disease from the ground up. Global Circle is the community […]
Jewish Heart For Africa
Jewish Heart For Africa is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that brings sustainable israeli technologies to african villages. our mission is to save african lives with Israeli innovation, all while supporting israel’s economy and image abroad. founded in 2008, in less than three years jewish heart for africa has provided light, clean water, food and proper […]
Social Passport -Dynamic QR, Reverse QR and NFC
How do I market to social networks in real time? How do I promote my business or cause at an event ? These are all questions organizations ask themselves in creating effective social outreach. Social Passport ( is a new technology that is helping organizations maximize social outreach. They recently won the best New […]
Jewish Partisan Education Foundation
Most people have never heard of the 20,000-30,000 Jews who fought back against the Nazis as Jewish partisans. These Jews were responsible for blowing up thousands of armored convoys and thwarting the Nazi war machine in countless ways. This information has the power to transform people’s perception of the Jewish experience during the Holocaust. The […]
Beit Issie Shapiro -Innovation and impact helping children with disabilities
Beit Issie Shapiro is a national, multi-purpose organization that develops and provides services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. It has played a leading role in promoting the inclusion of people with special needs in society and is a vigilant advocate for better legal provisions for and with people with special needs. The organization […]